Housing in Frederick, Oklahoma
Real Estate Agencies:
Ash Realty:
Carissa Schreiner
580- 305-7300expRealty:
Jill Biggs
Justin Robbins
For Rent:
The Frederick Apartments
Jorise Henry
580-305-1018Great Plains Apartments
580-686-4316Individual Owned Rent Houses:
James Bennight
580-335-1285Charlotte McPherson
580-305-2405Community Action Development Corp.
Resources for Building:
Thinking of building a new home or remodeling an existing home?
Here is our list of construction and/or remodeling contractors in the Frederick area.
Morningstar Construction
PO Box 503, Frederick OK 73542
580-335-7363Frederick Ace Hardware
620 East Gladstone, Frederick OK 73542
580-335-2834Ingram Concrete
1020 N. Main, Frederick, OK 73542
580-335-2057Jimmy Espinosa Lawn Care
Frederick , OK 73542